Palazzo Adriano

Province of Palermo

Palazzo Adriano is part of the extended arabesque community located in Sicily. 

Palazzo Adriano was founded in the second half of the 400’s by a group of Greek-Albanian refugees becoming part of the extended arabesque community located in Sicily. The village has a cozy and charming atmosphere thanks to beautiful monuments such as the octagonal fountain, the Dara and Mancuso buildings, and the Bourbon castle. It has many churches of Latin worship like the Chiesa di Maria Santissima del Lume and churches of Byzantine worship like the Chiesa di Maria Santissima Assunta. Other astonishing churches of singular beauty are Chiesa di Maria Santissima Assunta, Chiesa di Maria Santissima del Carmelo, Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, Chiesa di SantAntonio, Chiesa della Madonna della Pietà, etc. Then you can visit the Lavatoio, and old washhouse built in 1938 during the Fascist regime.

If you want even more culture in your holiday, Palazzo Adriano provides a number of interesting museums such as the Geo-Naturalistico del Permiano del Sosio Museum, displaying the casts of many fossils, the Museum of Areberëshe Cultures and the Water Museum.

People live here:


Typical food:

The Gidata, bread with salted vegetables

The Tabisca, flat bread made with olive oil

Sweet desserts such as the Mastrazzole, the Cuddureddi made with almond and figs, and the Sfince made with eggs or potatoes.

The Canestrato, a traditional cheese originated  from high mountain pastures.


Sagra della Cuccìa 31/07 – 1/08

How to get there:

By Car

From Palermo

Get on SS 121 e SS 189 exit Lercara Friddi then follow SS 188 exit Palazzo Adriano.


Casale Borgia Country Resort 3 *

Rooms for rent La Cartiera

Via Rosolino Pilo, 2 – Palazzo Adriano (PA)  Sicilia

Ph. 0039 3333291081


Gastronomia La Sfiziosa 

Via San Sebastiano, 10, 90100 Palazzo Adriano

Pizzeria del viale

Via XX Settembre 3, 90030 Palazzo Adriano


