Restaurant Centrale

Enna City

Since its establishment at the beginning of the 1900s, Restaurant Centrale proudly carries on Enna’s ancient culinary traditions through a cuisine which uses strictly fresh and locally sourced ingredients.
Our simple cuisine is reminiscent of ancient culinary rituals which reveal the abundant flavours and products of our land. Restaurant Centrale gives you the opportunity to taste ancient traditional recipes from the Mediterranean such as the‘frascatola’ (cream of vegetables), the ‘figliulata ca’ cipudda’ (onion’s omelette), the ‘caprettu abbuttunatu’ (Roast Kid with pecorino ennese and garlic), the ‘farsumagru all’ennese’ (Traditional stuffed roast), and the ‘maccarruna allacastrugiuannisa’ (Local style maccheroni). 
Restaurant Centrale proudly serves a very old recipe, ‘u sciabbo,prepared with sweet pork mincemeat and cocoa. The recipe of this and other traditional dishes have carefully been preserved and protected by the Pirrera family in the last 45 years.