Campofelice di Fitalia

Province of Palermo

Campofelice di Fitalia offers interesting cultural attractions such as its Wheat Museum. 

The first settlement of Campofelice di Fitalia, also known as the Town of Wheat, was founded in 1101 by Normans. The modern town dates back to the 19th century when Prince Girolamo Settimo Calvello e Naselli obtained jurisdiction of the village. The name Campofelice derives from the words “campo” (field) and “felice” (happy) and it describes the abundance of its territory. The most important monuments of the village are:
The Mother Church, built in 1800 and dedicated to San Giuseppe the Patron Saint of the village, it had a wonderful bell-tower with an art nouveau style added in 1927. The Wheat Museum displays various traditional tools used by farmers through time for the local production of wheat. The Civic Ethno-Anthropological Museum holds interesting objects relating to the customs and traditions of the village.

People live here:


It is famous for:

the quizmaster  Mike Bongiorno

the Prince Girolamo Settimo


Festa del Grano

How to get there:

From Palermo

Take Autostrada Palermo – Agrigento exit Mezzojuso – Campofelice di Fitalia

From Agrigento

Take Autostrada  Agrigento – Palermo exit Mezzojuso – Campofelice di Fitalia


La Rocca Hotel and Restaurant

Villa Priolo Aparment


Ristorante La Rocca


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