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Uncovering Sicilian heritage & culture: Palermo
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Must See Towns in Palermo!

Isola delle Femmine
Isola delle Femmine is known for its nature reserve and for the two charming towers built in the fifteenth century. Isola delle Femmine or …

Castelbuono is famous for its traditional Carnival and the Divine Festival. Castelbuono, rises on the ruins of Ypsigro a Byzantine …

Petralia Sottana
Petralia Sottana is a tiny village located in the Province of Palermo which has a fascinating old town centre. Petralia …

Petralia Soprana
Petralia Soprana provides lots of traditional events such as the celebrations of the patron saint SS.Pietro e Paolo and the Sagra del Salgemma a …

Palazzo Adriano
Palazzo Adriano is part of the extended arabesque community located in Sicily. Palazzo Adriano was founded in the second half of …

San Martino delle Scale
San Martino delle Scale is part the district of Monreale, located close to its namesake, the Benedictine monastery. Thanks to …

Termini Imerese
Termini Imerese is a little village which is famous for the wonderful archaeological site of Himera Termini Imerese is a wonderful small …
- All Nearby Towns in Palermo
- Alia
- Alimena
- Aliminusa
- Altavilla Milicia
- Altofonte
- Aspra
- Bagheria
- Balestrate
- Baucina
- Belmonte Mezzagno
- Bisaquino
- Blufi
- Bolognetta
- Bompietro
- Borgetto
- Caccamo
- Caltavuturo
- Campofelice di Fitalia
- Campofelice di Roccella
- Campofiorito
- Camporeale
- Capaci
- Carini
- Castelbuono
- Casteldaccia
- Castellana Sicula
- Castronovo di Sicilia
- Cefalà Diana
- Cefalù
- Cerda
- Chiusa Sclafani
- Ciminna
- Cinisi
- Collesano
- Contessa Entellina
- Corleone
- Ficarazzi
- Gangi
- Geraci Siculo
- Giardinello
- Giuliana
- Godrano
- Gratteri
- Isnello
- Isola delle Femmine
- Lascari
- Lercara Friddi
- Marineo
- Mezzojuso
- Misilmeri
- Mondello
- Monreale
- Montelepre
- Montemaggiore Belsito
- Palazzo Adriano
- Partinico
- Petralia Soprana
- Petralia Sottana
- Piana degli Albanesi
- Polizzi Generosa
- Pollina
- Prizzi
- Roccamena
- Roccapalumba
- San Cipirello
- San Giuseppe Jato
- San Martino delle Scale
- San Mauro Castelverde
- San Nicola l'Arena
- Santa Cristina Gela
- Santa Flavia
- Sciara
- Scillato
- Sclafani Bagni
- Sferracavallo
- Termini Imerese
- Terrasini
- Torretta
- Trabia
- Trappeto
- Valledolmo
- Ventimiglia di Sicilia
- Vicari
- Villabate
- Villafrati